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Showing posts with label House. Show all posts
Bogor palace | History and definition of the Bogor Palace

Bogor palace | History and definition of the Bogor Palace

Bogor palace is one of six Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia, which has unique characteristics due to aspects of historical, ...
Bathroom | Design latest Bathroom | Understanding and definition of Bathroom | A healthy bathroom

Bathroom | Design latest Bathroom | Understanding and definition of Bathroom | A healthy bathroom

A bathroom is a room that may have different functions depending on the cultural context. In the most literal sense, the word bathroom mean...
Cupboard | Miscellaneous Cupboard | Cupboard Fly

Cupboard | Miscellaneous Cupboard | Cupboard Fly

A cupboard (pronounced ) or press (Hiberno-English) is a type of cabinet, often made of wood, used indoors to store household objects such a...
Apartemen | Forms Apatermen | World Apartments | Business Apartments

Apartemen | Forms Apatermen | World Apartments | Business Apartments

Houses, Understanding House | The Meaning of Residence | Antique Houses | Houses Umbrellas

Houses, Understanding House | The Meaning of Residence | Antique Houses | Houses Umbrellas

A house is a home, building or structure that is a dwelling or place for habitation by human beings. The term house includes many kinds of d...
Hotel | Lodging

Hotel | Lodging

A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis. The provision of basic accommodation, in times past, consistin...
Table | Definition Table | Furniture

Table | Definition Table | Furniture

Table is one furniture form a flat surface is supported by several feet. Tables are often used to store goods and foods with a certain heigh...