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Showing posts with label Region. Show all posts
Padang City | History of Padang | Origin of Padang

Padang City | History of Padang | Origin of Padang

Padang City The city of Padang is one of the oldest city on the west coast of Sumatra in the Indian Ocean. According to historical source...
Medan City | History Medan

Medan City | History Medan

Medan City In ancient times the city of Medan is known as the Land of Deli and marshy soil conditions around an area of 4000 Ha. Several ...
Aceh Besar District

Aceh Besar District

A Brief History Of The District Aceh Aceh Besar Before issued Emergency Law No. 7 of 1956, the Regency of Aceh Besar is an area that con...
Aceh City

Aceh City

Aceh Aceh had previously been called by the name of Aceh (1959-2001) and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (2001-2009) is the westernmost province...
Western Papuan Islands | About Western Papuan Islands

Western Papuan Islands | About Western Papuan Islands

Western Papua Island Papua bagian barat merupakan wilayah bagian barat dari Pulau Papua yang terbagi ke dalam 2 provinsi Indonesia, yaitu...
Maluku Islands | About Maluku Islands

Maluku Islands | About Maluku Islands

Maluku Island Maluku Islands are a group of islands in Indonesia which is part of the archipelago. Maluku Islands are located in the Aust...
Sulawesi Island | About Sulawesi Island

Sulawesi Island | About Sulawesi Island

Sulawesi Island Is the island of Sulawesi or Celebes in Indonesia region that lies between the island of Borneo and the Maluku Islands. W...
Kalimantan Island | About Kalimantan Island

Kalimantan Island | About Kalimantan Island

Kalimantan Island Borneo is the world's third largest island located in the northern island of Java and west of the island of Sulawes...
Nusa Tenggara Islands | About Nusa Tenggara Islands

Nusa Tenggara Islands | About Nusa Tenggara Islands

Nusa Tenggara Island Islands, Nusa Tenggara, or Lesser Sunda Islands (now sometimes used in geographical maps of the world), is a group o...
Sumatra Island | About Sumatra Island

Sumatra Island | About Sumatra Island

Sumatra Islan Sumatra or the island of Sumatra is the sixth largest in the world are located in Indonesia, with an area of 443,065.8 km2....