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Travelocity | History and definition of the Travelocity | Travelocity logo

Travelocity | History and definition of the Travelocity | Travelocity logo

Travelocity is an online travel agency and wholly owned subsidiary of Sabre Holdings Corporation, which was a publicly traded company until ...
Diplopia | Understanding and definition of the Diplopia | Causes and treatment of the Diplopia

Diplopia | Understanding and definition of the Diplopia | Causes and treatment of the Diplopia

Diplopia, commonly known as double vision, is the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object that may be displaced horizontal...
Ataxia | Understanding and definition of the Ataxia | Treatment and prevention of Ataxia

Ataxia | Understanding and definition of the Ataxia | Treatment and prevention of Ataxia

Ataxia is a neurological sign and symptom that consists of gross lack of coordination of muscle movements. Ataxia is a non-specific clinical...
Dysarthria | Understanding and definition of the Dysarthria | Causes of the Dysarthria

Dysarthria | Understanding and definition of the Dysarthria | Causes of the Dysarthria

Dysarthria is a motor speech disorder resulting from neurological injury of the motor component of the motor-speech system and is characteri...
Dysphagia | Understanding and definition of the Dysphagia | Signs and symptoms of the Dysphagia

Dysphagia | Understanding and definition of the Dysphagia | Signs and symptoms of the Dysphagia

Dysphagia is the medical term for the symptom of difficulty in swallowing. Although classified under "symptoms and signs" in ICD-1...
Apraxia | understanding and definition of the Apraxia | Causes and symptoms of the Apraxia

Apraxia | understanding and definition of the Apraxia | Causes and symptoms of the Apraxia

Apraxia is a disorder caused by damage to specific areas of the cerebrum. Apraxia is characterized by loss of the ability to execute or carr...
Aphasia | Understanding and definition of Aphasia | Signs and symptoms Aphasia

Aphasia | Understanding and definition of Aphasia | Signs and symptoms Aphasia

Aphasia is an impairment of language ability. This class of language disorder ranges from having difficulty remembering words to being compl...
Biomass | Understanding and definition of the Biomass | a renewable energy source

Biomass | Understanding and definition of the Biomass | a renewable energy source

Biomass, a renewable energy source, is biological material from living, or recently living organisms, such as wood, waste, (hydrogen) gas, a...
Migraine | Understanding and definition of the Migraine | symptoms of the Migraine

Migraine | Understanding and definition of the Migraine | symptoms of the Migraine

Migraine (from the Greek words hemi, meaning half, and kranion, meaning skull) is a debilitating condition characterized by moderate to seve...
Orbitz | History and definition of Orbitz | Orbitz Logo

Orbitz | History and definition of Orbitz | Orbitz Logo

Orbitz Worldwide, Inc. is an Internet travel company headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Through its primary web site, Orbitz Wor...