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Mamuja | Mamuja City

Mamuju City is the capital of West Sulawesi province, Indonesia. Mamuju until now is not as an autonomous region that has the mayor or the Regional Representatives Council of the City itself, but still part of Mamuju. The city is sandwiched between the beach and chocolate-covered hills. 500 kilometers along the winding hill after Barru, (South Sulawesi) and a row of fishing boats add to the beautiful distinctive Mandar natural panorama.

The city is located in between Palu (Central Sulawesi) and Makassar (South Sulawesi). The capital will be the economy or even cultural bridge Palu and Makassar. Mamuju also portraits of the two areas because of the dominant ethnic population Mandar with a few small sub-ethnic, such as Bugis, Toraja, Makassar and Java.

Airport in this city that Ahmad Kirang Airport in Tampa Padang village located about 35 km from City Mamuju. Currently the airport area around 1900 square meters. Boeing was able to land at this airport.

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