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Office stationery | Ballpoint

Ballpoint pen or a pen (English: ballpoint) is an end stationery using small ball spinning to control spending viscous ink that is stored in a cylindrical column. The tip of a pen in the form of small balls of brass, steel, or tungsten carbide which vary in diameter, generally 0.7 to 1.2 mm. Large diameter ball effect on the thickness of the writing on the paper. Immediately after the ink dried in contact with the paper. Unlike ballpoint pen, ballpoint pen inexpensive and maintenance free.

Initially, stationery that uses pen and ink is ink that is used separately. The pen used was initially made of goose feathers like a kind commonly used in Europe in medieval times, water reed stems are used in the Middle East or even a brush that is used in China and Japan. The downside is that its use is often troublesome because of the users or even spilled ink spilled on paper.


Ballpoint pen created by Hungarian journalist, László Bureau in 1938. Bureau noted that the ink used in newspaper printing dries quickly and does not leave stains on the paper. Other difficulties when using the pen to correct the manuscripts which were written on thin paper like ink that widens, spilled or torn paper because sabetan a sharp pen.
The tip of a ballpoint pen

Together with his brother George, a chemist, he developed a new pen tip in the form of a ball that could rotate freely in a hole. When spinning, the ball will take ink from a cartridge, ink flowing wet tiny ball in a capillary and with the help of gravity. and then roll to attach to the paper. Because of the small ball that was then named the new pen ball point pen or what is commonly known by the name of a ballpoint pen.

This design was then patented in Argentina on June 10, 1943 and sold under the brand Birome, which still survive today.

The development of a ballpoint pen

Two British men, Henry Martin and Frederick Miles supports this idea. They then go to his creation of this new stationery and sold to the British Royal Air Force that require a leak-proof stationery and overflow to be used on aircraft used in World War II.

At the same time, in the United States, Milton Reynolds, the Chicago purchasing new stationery. He later perfected it and sell them to American soldiers. But it's still not as perfect ballpoint pens available at this time.

Franz Szech, a resident of California, trying to find the perfect ink and managed to make the ink from the kitchen rumahnya.Tinta is far more durable and long lasting are in pen, ink, but unfortunately it gradually becomes dry when exposed to air.

After World War II ended, the people gathered at a shopping center storefront Gimbels in New York. In this window provided a large water tank is surrounded by visitors. Water tank is used to demonstrate the form of pen stationery used under water. Pena was promoted using artificial ink Szech.

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