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University Indonesia |
Indonesia is a modern university campus, comprehensive, open, multi-cultural, and humanist who covers broad disciplines. University of Indonesia at this time simultaneously is always trying to become one of the research universities or academic institutions in the world. As a research university, the efforts of the highest achievements in the discovery, development and diffusion of knowledge regionally and globally always done. Meanwhile, the University of Indonesia also deepen the commitment in its efforts in the field of academic development and research activities through a number of disciplines that is in-scope him.
Indonesia University Founded in 1849 and is a representation of an educational institution with a history of the oldest in Asia. Produced Has More Than 400,000 alumni, the UI continuously continuing role of importance in national and world level. However the UI cans not escape from its current mission into educational institutions of high quality, world standard research and maintain standards in a number of prestigious international journals first.
With a title as the country's best campus, the UI is actively developing global cooperation with many world-renowned universities. Several leading universities are now noted to have an agreement with UI include: Washington University, Tokyo University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, Leiden University, Erasmus University, Kyoto University, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Australian National University, and National University of Singapore . In addition, the UI is also strengthening its partnership with several associations of education and research including: APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) with a role as a board of directors, AUN (ASEAN University Network), and ASAIHL (Association of South East Asian Institution of Higher Learning).
Geographically, the position of the University of Indonesia campus located in two distant areas, college campuses Salemba and Depok. The majority of faculty are in Depok area reached 320 hectares of land with green campus atmosphere because only 25% of land used as a means of academic, research and student affairs. 75% of the University of Indonesia can be said is tangible forest green area inside the city where there are 8 natural lake. A promising area of academic feel of a tranquil and beautiful tradition.
University of Indonesia experienced many changes in a relatively long history. From the perspective of substantive, the agency established by Government Decree No. 22 dated January 2, 1849 and further education began in January 1851 with the name, "the medical school of Java" (Doctor java school). At the end of the 19th century, the medical school to be further developed Java School tot Opleiding Van Inlandsche Artsen (STOVIA) (1898).
STOVIA closed in 1927 at the age of 75 years. As a replacement, School of Medicine was established in 1927 complements the presence of four other high schools in several cities. The four schools are: Technical High School in Bandung (1920), School of Law in Batavia (1924) and the College of Letters and Culture in Batavia (1929). Meanwhile, at the Bogor Agricultural High School was developed. Fifth High School was the forerunner faculties under the auspices of Nood Universiteit (University of Emergency) which was established in 1946 in Jakarta, in the early days of Dutch occupation after World War 2.
Nood Universiteit in 1947 changed its name into the Universiteit van Indonesie based in Jakarta. Some nationalist professors (among them Prof... Mr. Djokosoetono), Universiteit van Indonesie operate in the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, which at that time located in Jogjakarta. Academic activities are separate from Its mother in Jakarta, which is still in the Dutch power. In 1949, the recognition of sovereignty by the Dutch Republic took place and the capital was moved back to Jakarta. Universiteit van Indonesie Jogjakarta moved back to Jakarta. Almost simultaneously with that established the University of Gadjah Mada University in Jogjakarta in 1949.
In 1950, through a series of "tension" between the Nationalists with a Master's Professor of the Netherlands, Universiteit van Indonesie eventually changed its name to "University of Indonesia. " Higher Education has several faculty in several cities: Jakarta (Medicine, Law, Literature and Culture), Bandung (Technical), Bogor (Agricultural), Surabaya (Dentistry), and Napier (Economics).
Faculties outside Jakarta in the 1960's stands alone. University of Indonesia in Jakarta has a campus in Salemba and consists of several faculty such as: Medicine, Dentistry, Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Literature, Law, Economics, and Engineering. In further developments stand Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Public Health, Faculty of Computer Science and Nursing.
In the 1970's until the early 1980s, the University of Indonesia has two main campuses, in Salemba and Rawamangun. In 1987, the University of Indonesia in Depok build a new campus in an area of 320 ha. Starting in the University of Indonesia Campus Rawamangun release but still use Salemba campus for academic activities of Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry. The total land area to be an asset to the University of Indonesia is approximately 350 ha or about 3.5 million M2 (in Central Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, and East Jakarta).
In 2000 the University of Indonesia became one of Higher Education with the status of legal entity in Indonesia. This started the implementation of the idea of autonomy campus that includes two terms as follows: First, the autonomy in terms of academic development. Second, is the autonomy of financial management. Autonomy gives space for the University of Indonesia to develop and play a fundamental role in the era of knowledge-based society (knowledge-based society).
From the Genealogical records of the above, it is Important That continuity University of Indonesia contemplated along with the development of civilization in Indonesia, especially in the academic world. It Could Be That argued the University of Indonesia is the embryo and the starting point of enlightenment for modern Indonesia. University of Indonesia uphold the name of Indonesia and it is the responsibility of pride as well.
In this connection, the University of Indonesia as a "universe", should have the capacity to become the motor of civilization and humanity achieve "progress" are not neglected in the balance between the orientation of academic values, with morality and art. Thus, civilization, nation and humanity in this Republic in the future should be characterized by the creation of progress, civilization, prosperity, justice, peace, democracy, and balance and environmental sustainability.