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Aceh Jaya | Potential Aceh Jaya

Aceh Jaya
Aceh Jaya district is one district in Aceh province, Indonesia. Aceh Jaya district was formed as a result of expansion of West Aceh district.

District of Aceh Jaya, Jaya subdistrict particularly famous for the typical population profile. Some residents of this district Jaya profiled as one of Europe where there are white-skinned, blue-eyed and blond berrambut. They are believed to be descendants of Portuguese soldiers in the 16th century whose boat washed up on shore Kingdom of Power, and taken prisoner by the king of the region.

The Portuguese soldiers who captured it in time they convert to Islam, marrying locals and adapt the Acehnese tradition passed down through generations. Their offspring at this point that looks particularly at the district Jaya (about 75 km southwest of Banda Aceh).


Aceh Jaya district was formed on July 22, 2002, an expansion area of West Aceh district. Administrative area consists of 6 districts, 21 mukim and 172 villages, with the district capital is located in Calang, which is a region located in Krueng Sabee.

District Government of Aceh Jaya, in the organizational structure in 2005 consisted of institutions in the form of 11 office, 3 and 6 Office Agency which is the district office. The total number of civil servants who served in the ranks of local government in Aceh Jaya district in 2005 as many as 1148 people. Meanwhile, the number of representatives of the people who sit in the legislature is the House of Representatives (DPRD) Aceh Jaya district in 2005 are still as many as 20 people as of 2004, only a few representatives of the people experiencing change over time, mainly caused by some members of Parliament who died at the time of the earthquake and tsunami disaster.

Aceh Jaya district was the coastal region of West Sumatra shore with a long coastline of approximately 160 kilometers. The average rainfall during the year amounted to 318.5 mm with the number of rainy days on average 19 days. Air temperature and humidity throughout the year is not too volatile, with minimum air temperatures average ranged from 21.0 to 23.2 ° C and maximum air temperature average ranged from 29.9 to 31.4 ° C.


Aceh Jaya district is one area that is suitable for budidya various types of agricultural commodities, both kinds of crops such as rice, fruits, and vegetables, as well as plantation crops like rubber, oil palm, and coconut. Aceh Jaya district includes the area of Agricultural zone among several districts in the Provinces of NAD. Besides, the available land for agricultural cultivation is still quite broad. Livestock sub-sector is also very promising for further improved in this area given the area of grassland that are still widely available.

For marine fisheries is also a mainstay of this region because all kecamatannya directly adjacent to the Indonesian ocean. But after the earthquake and tsunami disaster, most of the agricultural commodity production decreased in 2005. This is caused by damage to the area of cultivation of various agricultural crop commodities by the tsunami waves. Like the coconut crop in the cultivated along the coast of this region, ranging from Teunom until Jaya district, devastated by the tsunami waves. Decrease in agricultural crop production is also due to paralysis of the city of Calang as centers providing agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, medicines and other agricultural equipment.

In 2005 paddy production amounted to 13,844 tons of grain, or a very large decrease compared to 2004 which decreased by 74.31 percent with total production of paddy rice in 2004 as much as 53,896 tons. Similarly with the production of crops and vegetables are on average above 50 percent decrease compared to previous years production.

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Related : Aceh Jaya | Potential Aceh Jaya