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Cold Weather Delays Spring Flowers

With this week's snowfall--and some more possibly on the way next week--experts say it would be best to keep those green thumbs out of the dirt and in the house a little while longer.

It's been a typical Colorado spring so far: an unexpected chill, with a nice warm up, only to get cold a few days later. Co-owner of Rick’s Garden Center Mike Estes told 11 News that the old adage would be: plant your flowers after Mother's Day. He said that doesn’t really work in southern Colorado.

"We all get anxious to plant at this time of year and because the soil temperature is so cold right now, even though we're rushing to plant, it's harder for the plant to adjust when the soil is cold and so it doesn't grow very much," Estes said.

Hallie Lavick was just one of several people we talked to at Rick's Garden Center who perhaps started planting a bit too early. Now, she’s forced to buy replacement plants and flowers.

"I was so eager because it was so gorgeous out last weekend, so I planted some flowers and put all my inside plants outside, and here we are," Lavick said.

Estes knows people want to get out and garden, but with a few more cold weather systems headed toward southern Colorado, he suggests a few plants and flowers that thrive in the inconsistent weather.

"You know snapdragons are always good, pansies, violas anything in the cabbage family can tolerate immense amounts of cold," Estes said.

Should the cold weather strike again, here are a few tips Estes suggests to protect your plants:

-Bring in potted plants and flowers indoors.
-Cover sensitive in-ground plants and veggies with cloth blankets. They protect and insulate better than plastic.
-With common weather trends, it's probably best to wait until after Memorial Day to start your garden.(

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