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Green Beans | Green Bean Porridge | Benefits of Green Beans

Green beans are a type of plant cultivation and the crops are widely known in tropical regions. Plants belonging to the tribe of legumes (Fabaceae) has many benefits in everyday life as a vegetable source of high protein food. Green beans in Indonesia ranks as the third most important legume crops, after soybean and peanuts .

The most economic value is the seed. Green beans boiled until soft and eaten as porridge or eaten directly. Mature seeds are crushed and used as fill onde-onde, bakpau, or gandas turi. Mung bean sprouts into a common vegetable eaten in East Asia and Southeast Asia and is known as bean sprouts. Green beans if boiled long enough will burst and the starch contained in the seeds will come out and thicken, become a kind of porridge. Wheat seed kacan g green, called on the market as hunkue flour, used in making cakes and tend to form gels. Flour can also be processed into noodles, known as glass noodles.

Green bean is the one commodity that a lot of nuts eaten by the people of Indonesia. This plant contains many other nutritional substances are also useful for the treatment process. The agronomic and economic, green bean crops has advantages over other legume crops.

To get the higher green bean is still possible if the constraints on growth can be overcome with appropriate farming technologies. The component technologies must
noted in cultivation of green beans, among others: (1) the use of high yielding varieties, (2) land preparation, (3) planting, (4) fertilization, (5) the use of straw mulch, (6) weeding; (7) irrigation; (8) pest control; (9) to control the disease, and (10) harvest and postharvest.

On dry land planting is generally done at the beginning of the rainy season where the water needs of green beans solely dependent on rainfall, the first month is needed rainfall 100-150 mm / month was the second month of between 50-100 mm / month

Media Land

Green beans can be grown on all soil types along the moisture and nutrient availability are sufficient. For that land to be used must be prepared as well as possible. In the paddy fields after rice harvest, land preparation is not necessary (without soil = TOT). Straw cut short enough or the ground. Meanwhile, in paddy fields which have not planted a little longer necessary to be processed in a perfect land. To avoid stagnant water on the season huj the need to be made drainage channels with width and depth of 20-30 cm and the distance between the maximum channel 4 m.


In endemic areas of pest flies seeds and to avoid ant attack, the first seeds mixed with Marshal 25 ST (Carbosulfan) with a rate of 10-15 g / kg seed or fipronil with a rate of 5 cc / kg of seed. Portugal Planting is done by the system as much as 2-3 seeds / hole with a depth of 3-5 cm, then covered with ash kitchen / halusi straw or soil or manure. Needs range from 15-20 kg seed / ha. Spacing varies, which is 40x10 cm (300000-400000 plant populations / Ha) in the rainy season or 40x15 cm (population 400,000 to 500,000 plants / ha) in the dry season (Balitkabi, 2005; Hilman, et al., 2004). Balitkabi (2004) also suggested following the spacing distance of rice stubble. At the time of planting, soil moisture should not be too high because it can cause seed rot. Stitching can be done to-7 days old. In general the farmers to plant seeds of green beans after rice spread by seed before or after rice is harvested. Spread seed k Acang green after rice harvest performed with or without clearing hay, and seed required range 50-75 kg / ha.


In green bean farming, farmers rarely perform fertilization. This method is also recommended, especially on lands that are fertile. While on less fertile soil, fertilizers were 45 kg Urea + 45-90 kg SP36 + 50 kg KCl / ha. recommended the provision of fertilizer by 50 kg Urea + 60 kg SP36 + 50 kg KCl / ha. Given fertilizer at planting time in a bolt on the side of the planting hole along the row of plants. Organic matter in the form of manure as much as 15-20 t / ha or kitchen ash / ash from burning straw s ebanyak 5 t / ha was applied either to close the hole. how this can increase yields of green beans reached 1.5 t / ha.

Use of Straw Mulch

The use of straw mulch is spread on the carpet of green beans evenly cropping can reduce seedling pest flies, suppress weed growth, and slow down the evaporation of ground water. Recommended the use of straw with a rate of 5 t / ha.


Weeding done depending on weed growth. It is recommended at age 10-15 days after transplanting (DAT) and 25-30 DAT, by dikored or use the hoe. In labor scarce regions can use non-selective herbicide such as pre-grown: Lasso, Paraquat, Dowpon, and Goal with a rate of 1-2 l / ha applied 3-4 days before planting.


Green beans, including plants that are tolerant to water shortages, which are important enough soil moisture. However, when soil drought planting green beans should be watered, especially at critical periods, namely: at planting, at flowering (age 25 DAT), and during pod filling (age 45-50 HST). For the green beans grown in light textured soils (sandy), irrigation is generally done twice, aged 21 and 38 DAT, while planting in heavy soils (clay), b


Pest attack is one of the factors causing low results at farm level. Reportedly there are about 30 species of insects have been known to be pests of green beans and 20 varieties were classified as important pests that can reduce the quality of green bean plants. These pests attack all parts of mung bean plants since the plants grow until harvest (Tengkano, 1986 cit LPTP, 2000). Among the important pests of green beans are: Ophyomia phaseoli seed flies, caterpillars span P Lucia chalsites, Nezara viridula green ladybug, ladybug chocolate Riptortus linearis, pod borer (Maruca testulalis and Etiella spp.) and lice thrips (Hilman, et al., 2004). According to Nurdin (1994), in West Sumatra main pests that attack crops of green beans are: Ophyomia phaseoli seed flies, aphids sp, grasshoppers, armyworm Spodoptera litura, Lamprosema indicata leaf roller caterpillars, inch worms Plusia chalsites, Nezara viridula green ladybug, ladybug chocolate Riptortus linearis, dab borer Maruca testulalis word.

Pest control can be done by applying the concept of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Use of insecticides is the last alternative when other means are not efficiently in controlling pests. Insecticides recommended, among other things: Confidor, Regent, Curacron, Atabron, Furadan, or Pegassus with a dose of 2-3 ml / l of water and spray volume of 500-600 l / ha (Balitkabi, 2005). According Sunantara (2000), to control flies seed, pod borer caterpillar or leaf can be used insecticides: M

Disease Control

The main disease of green bean plants are canescens Cercospora leaf spot, stem rot, powdery mildew Erysiphe polygoni, and ulcer disease Elsinoe glycines. Control can be done by spraying a fungicide, such as: Benlate, Dithane M45, Baycor, Delsene MX200, or Daconil at the beginning of the attack with a rate of 2 g / l of water. Judgments fungicides that can control powdery mildew disease and leaf spot are hexakonazol applied at age 4 and 6 weeks for powdery mildew disease or 4, 5, and 6 weeks for leaf spot disease.

Meanwhile, flour embungs disease can also be controlled using resistant varieties, such as: Swallow and Kutilang. Kutilang varieties have higher levels of resistance against powdery mildew disease. The use of resistant varieties can menggurangi fungicide usage while helping to reduce production costs and indirectly also to preserve the environment.

Harvest and Postharvest

Harvesting barvariasi dependent varieties planted. Harvest is done when the pods are black or brown and are dry and easily broken. Harvesting can be done one, two, or three times depending on the varieties planted.

Direct harvest drying on the floor paved with tarps or bags with a thickness of 2-3 cm, the reversal is done every + 3 hours. Dried peas that have been pounded until the skins split peas (in the bag to avoid loss of yield) and the separation of seed pods from the skin is done by nyiru, Tampi, or blower. Seed that has been dried in the sun again until dry cleaner store the water content of 8-9%.

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Related : Green Beans | Green Bean Porridge | Benefits of Green Beans