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Jayapura City |
The city is the provincial capital Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. The city is the capital of the easternmost province of Indonesia. The city is situated in the bay Jayapura.
From 1910 to 1962, the city was known as Hollandia and was the capital district of the same name in the northeast of West Papua. This city was called New Town and Sukarnopura before assuming the present name in 1968. The literal meaning of Jayapura, as the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan, is the 'City of Victory' (Sanskrit jaya: "victory"; pura: "city").
Jayapura City has long been in contact with the outside world. This is indicated by the existence of people outside who had stopped at Tanah Papua is the Spaniards who once sailed the oceans and in touch with the people of Indonesia in general and Irian people in particular. History whitewater ocean has been noted in both the Spanish nation a person named YNICO ORTIS de Fretes. With a ship named "SAN JUAN"on May 16, 1545 departing from Tidore to Mexico. On the way Ortis de Fretes, has arrived in the vicinity of river estuaries Mamberamo on June 16, 1545 NOVA GUINEA give names to people and the land of Papua or Irian Jaya.
After Ortis de Fretes catch up again penngarung other sa-Skipper, among others, Alvaro MEMDANA NE Neyra (1567), ANTOMIO MA (1591-1593), and others. It can be concluded that the Spaniards had been no contact and touch with residents in Jayapura and the surrounding areas.
Next Besleit (Decree) Dutch East Indies Gubernemen No. 4 dated August 28, 1909 to the Assistant Resident, at Manokwari conjunct a detachment (4 officers + 80 troops). In the decision letter, among others listed (in Dutch) is translated into Indonesian.
As a continuation of the implementation of this decree, on 28 September 1909 the ship "EDI" landed a detachment of soldiers under the command of Captain Infantry FJP Sachse, immediately began cutting down trees, but also immediate payment of compensation must be made to the owner for 40 ringgit or 40 * 2.50 = f f 100, - (one hundred guilders / rupiah). An enormous amount of time - in 1910 another expert named KIELICH write "Hollandia kostte vierting (40) rijk dealders" Jayapura cost 40 ringgit f 100, - (one hundred golden / rupiah). Kmpamen Bedilh first consisting of the tents, but soon sought to establish a housing-housing of materials around the place.
The first inhabitants consisted of 4 officers, 80 soldiers, 60 bearers, several assistants and the wives of the armed forces, the total amounted to 290 people.
There are 2 river each Numbai and Anafri which converge and empty into the bay Numbai or Yos Sudarso, as popular Numbai river estuary. Numbai-flowing river Anafri a swampy canyon filled with trees sago and water in the mountains eyed Cyclop. Due to the German border patrol gave the name 'Germanihoek' (corner of Germania / Germany) to kompamennya, then Captain Sachse gave the name "Hollandia" to place them / the Netherlands.
'Day so Hollandia / Jayapura described as follows:
"On March 7, 1910 that bad weather but the atmosphere among the residents of detachment sanngat exploration well. The four brigades gathered in a ceremonial manner around each flag with a neat and clean clothes and with the shiny buttons. Captain / Sachse first speech in the language Netherlands, then in the Malay language with gusto. After that he gave command: "With the name of the Queen of raising the flag! hopefully with God's will not be lowered perlindunngan all time ". Immediately after the flag flying all kelewang or bayonet scabbard and sounds plucked from the shouts of " rah-rah-rah. Born Hollandia / Jayapura without maternity hospital, doctors, nurses and midwives in the morning that day. Congratulations!
Thus anniversary Jayapura since March 7, 1910. The question arises why the original name of the location of BAU O BWAI (Kayupulo language), the Hollandia replaced NUMBAI popular? giver name Hollandia was a Dutch-Captain Sachse, do not want to know and do not ask for approval of land owners that location. The important thing to my taste Sachse from Holland / the Netherlands.
What does Hollandia? Hol = arch; bay, land = land; place. So Hollandia means that the curved land or land / place berteluk. Netherlands or Holland or the Netherlands - Jayapura geography is similar to the northern coastline of the Netherlands. The natural condition of the contours is what inspired the Captain Sachse to spark the name Hollandia - Kotabaru - Sukarnopura - Jayapura, which is now used is "JAYAPURA".
Irian Jaya's definitive return to Indonesia March 1, 1963.
Since May 1, 1963 until now, a lot of progress and change yanng occur in Irian Jaya.
There is a change in the areas of governance, developed into the capital Jayapura District Administrative City (City of) Jayapura. Based on Government Regulation No. 26/1979 dated 28 August 1979 regarding the establishment of the City of Jayapura.
So with the provisions of the implementation Permendagri No. 5 / 1979 and of the Minister of instruction. 30 year 1979, the City of Jayapura on Friday, September 14, 1979, was inaugurated as the City Administrative by Mr Haji Amir Machmud, Interior Minister of the Republic of Indonesia.
On the same day appointed Drs. Florens Imbiri as Mayor of Jayapura by Mr. Haji Soetran, Governor of KDH. Level I Irian Jaya. Location City of Jayapura is the inauguration of the office pages Dharma Wanita Irian Jaya, Jl. Sam Ratulangi 5 Top Doc.
Be the first administrative town in Irian Jaya, and the 12th in Indonesia.
Jayapura City Vision is "Establishing Jaypu towards the town believe that Forward, Self, and Welfare as well as realizing a general prosperity Jayapura based" faith. "Faithful potency, wise bersier take advantage of opportunities and solve problems to achieve a developed and prosperous society independent.
"faith" as an acronym of the clean, neat, beautiful, humane, safe and comfortable, the motto was necessary as well as the vision enshrined Jayapura.
In maknawiyah "faith" means believing in God the Almighty and His righteousness above rules. When that serve as the basis to act for the people of Jayapura it will obtain the maximum success.
In order to achieve the vision above, the Mission City Jayapura is:
a. Making Agamais Jayapura City, living scared and obedient to God.
b. Jayapura City is increasingly realizing the clean, neat, beautiful, humane, safe and comfortable.
c. Achieve progress, independence and prosperity.
d. Making the City of Jayapura as:
a) City Trade and Services
b) Education City
c) City Tourism and cultural development of art and sport
d). MenjadikanKota Jayapura as a center of government and development in the Land