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Place Growing Orchid Flowers by type

This orchid has only one rod and just one growing point. The flowers grow from the tip of the rod. These orchids can be propagated by stem cuttings and seeds. For example: Vanda sp., and Phalaenopsis sp. (Phalaenopsis).

Anggek has more than one growing point. New shoots emerging from around the main stem. Flowers may appear at the top or side of the trunk, but there are also emerging from the roots to stay. The trunk holds water or food reserves pseudo bulbs. This orchid can be reproduced by a split, separation Keiki, seed. Example: Dendrobium sp., Cattleya sp.

Epiphyte Orchid
Orchid that grows on other trees ride without harming their host plants and require shade from sunlight. Orchid roots absorb food from the rain, fog and ambient air. Examples: Cattleya sp., Dendrobiumsp.,

Terrestrial orchids
Orchid growing in the soil and require direct sunlight. roots take food from the soil. Example: Vanda sp.

Orchid saprophyte.
Orchids that grow in media containing humus or dry leaves, and menbutuhkan little sunlight. This species has no leaves and chlorophyll. Example: Goodyera sp.

Orchid Litofit.
Orchids that grow on rocks or rocky soil, and resistant to full sunlight. Anggek is taking food from the rain, air, humus. Example: Paphiopedilum sp.

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