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Relatives Orchid Flower | Orchid Flower Close Friend | Relatives Orchid

Based on the results of analysis of variance for plant height, leaf length, leaf width, ratio of leaf length with leaf width, number of flowers, flower stem length, diameter and length of flower petals from the sixteenth orchid species tested showed significant differences in effect.

It appears that G. Scriptum has length and width of leaf and flower stem length significantly highest among the sixteen orchid species tested. However, the value of flower diameter (6.24 cm), the species is significantly smaller than D. stratiotes. D. Flowers stratiotes has the largest apparent diameter of the species tested, namely 9.27 cm. Similarly, the number of flowers produced by G. Scriptum significantly less than D. secundum, respectively 27.75 and 50. This shows that the length and width of the leaf which does not guarantee the flowers will produce large and numerous.

D. Plant height anosmum has the highest value, ie 118.40 cm, which significantly differed with plant height to fifteen other species of orchids. This form pseudobulb orchid stem or pseudo stem that grows hanging down. Only when the growth of new shoots alone, the growth of this orchid pseudobulb upward. Growth next rod hanging downward, along with the increased length of the shortest pseudobulb.Tanaman orchid is B. lobii (5.00 cm). In contrast to D. anosmum, B. lobii has a stem of bulb. High value orchid species is not significantly different from D. bracteosum (17.77 cm), D. Capra (12.15 cm), D. Johannis (34.48 cm), D. macrophyllum (31.12 cm), D. phalaenopsis (20.02 cm), P. amboinensis, P. violaceae, A. miniatum and G. Scriptum.

G. Scriptum has the longest and widest leaves. Leaf width G. Scriptum equal to the width of leaves of P. violaceae, P. amboinensis and D. macrophyllum. The width of the smallest leaf is owned D. Capra (1.09 cm) is equal to D. bracteosum (1.56 cm), D. Johannis (1.76 cm), D. phalaenopsis (2.36 cm) and A. miniatum (1.52 cm).

Value length ratio with the largest leaf width is owned by V. tricolor, at 10.48, which was not significantly different from the D. Capra (9.55). Value length ratio with the smallest leaf width is owned by D. stratiotes (2.20) are not significantly different from D. macrophyllum, D. secundum, D. undulatum, D. veratrifolium, P. amboinensis and P. violaceae (each with a value of 3.05, 2.75, 2.25, 2.48, 2.73 and 2.68).

The number of flowers that most owned by D. secundum (50 pieces) and least owned by B. lobii (1 fruit) are not significantly different from D. anosmum, D. bracteosum, D. Capra, D. Johannis, D. phalaenopsis, D. stratiotes, P. amboinensis, P. violaceae and A. miniatum. Characteristics of interest B. lobii lies in labellumnya that can sway if the wind. With the characteristic of interest such as this, orchids B. lobii has called tongue orchid flowers swaying or rocking. G. Scriptum has the longest flower stalks between the sixteenth orchid species tested, which is 92.27 cm. The length of the shortest flower stalks are owned by the orchid D. anosmum (1.36 cm) with the same length of flower stalk of orchid D. bracteosum, D. secundum, P. amboinensis, P. violaceae, A. miniatum and B. lobii.

The diameter of the largest orchid, which is owned by D. 9.27 cm stratiotes. D. stratiotes has a crown of flowers (petala) long twisted straight upwards. The amount of orchid flower diameter is equal to the diameter of the flower D. anosmum. The diameter of the smallest interest is owned by the orchid D. secundum (0.74 cm). The size of the smallest diameter of this orchid is caused by these flowers can not open or bloom to the fullest. The size of a mini flowers, arranged very tightly, and in one flower stalk consists of a lot of flowers, a characteristic that makes D. secundum given the designation as an orchid brush. The size of this orchid flower diameter as large as the orchid A. miniatum (1.13 cm).

Petals (sepala), the longest held by the orchid B. lobii (6 cm) are significantly different from the fifteen other species of orchids. This orchid has sepala dorsale or upper petals erect, yellow and long. Shortest Sepala owned by orchid species A. miniatum (0.63 cm) similar in size to the orchid D. secundum (0.92 cm). Of the sixteen species of orchids that were tested, only four species that have a type of stem monopodial growth, namely P. amboinensis, P. violaceae, Vanda tricolor and A. miniatum. The twelve other orchid species belonging simpodial type stem growth. In terms of aroma of flowers, there is diversity of aroma-scented flowers ranging from not until very aromatic. Similarly, the greenish color of the leaves, only the color of Vanda tricolor leaves are different from the other fifteen species of orchids.

Each type shows a different character from one another. The difference is due to differences in the habitat of origin in question took the orchid plants. Orchid plants provide habitat of origin effect on the growth of orchids through the influence of sunlight, weather or climatic conditions, air temperature, air humidity and the availability of nutrients can be absorbed by the plant to support growing orchids orchid plants, which in turn affects the quality and quantity of interest generates. Despite the diversity of characters from each of the tested species of orchids, there are also similarities characters.

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