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West Papua | Mystery of the natural wealth | Mountain Names | Lake Names

West Papua
West Papua (formerly Irian Jaya West Irian Jaya West abbreviated) is a province of Indonesia which is located in the western part of New Guinea. Its capital is Manokwari. The name of the province of West Irian Jaya was previously defined in Act No. 45 of 1999. Based on Government Regulation No. 24 of 2007 dated 18 April 2007, the province's name was changed to West Papua. West Papua and Papua is a province special autonomy status.

This province covers an area of the bird's head Guinea and surrounding islands. In the north, the province is bordered by the Pacific Ocean, the western border province of North Maluku and Maluku provinces, the eastern part bounded by the Gulf of Paradise, south of the Seram Sea and the southeastern border with Papua province.

West Papua province despite having made its own province, but still got special treatment as the province of its parent. This province also has had its own local election and hold elections for the first time on April 5, 2004.

This province has a tremendous potential, be it farming, mining, forest products and tourism. Pearl and seaweed produced in Raja Ampat regency while only traditional industries called ikat cloth produced in the district of East South Sorong. Fragrant nutmeg syrup can be found in Fak-Fak regency as well as various other potentials. In addition, nature tourism is also one of the mainstay of West Irian Jaya, such as Paradise Bay National Park which is located in the Gulf Wondama district. This National Park stretches from east to north island Peninsula Kwatisore Rumberpon with a long coastline of 500 km, land area reached 68,200 ha, 1.3853 million ha of sea area with details of the 80,000 ha area of 12,400 ha of coral reefs and oceans.

Besides, recently, discovered a cave that is claimed as the world's deepest cave by a French expedition team speologi Lina Mountains region, Kampong Irameba, Anggi district, Manokwari District. This cave is estimated to reach a depth of 2000 meters. Mountainous area in West Papua's natural wealth still holds mysteries that need to be revealed.

Mountain Names
  1. Arfak Mountains (2940 m) in Manokwari
  2. Mountains Fak-Fak in Fak-Fak regency
  3. Fudi Mountain (1,280 m) in Fak-Fak regency
  4. Kumafa Mountains in Fak-Fak regency
  5. Kwoko Mountain (3,000 m) in Sorong Regency
  6. Tamarau Mountains, in Sorong Regency
  7. Togwomeri Mountain (2680 m) in Manokwari
  8. Wasada Mountain (1070 m) in Manokwari
  9. Wiwi Mountain (1130 m) in Manokwari
Lake Names
  1. Lake Ayumaru in Sorong Regency
  2. Lake Anggi Giji in Manokwari
  3. Lake Anggi Gita in Manokwari
  4. Lake Yamur in Manokwari
  5. Lake Yawasi in Sorong Regency

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Related : West Papua | Mystery of the natural wealth | Mountain Names | Lake Names