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Dragon Fruit Cultivation

Dragon Fruit Cultivation
Dragon fruit is the fruit of several cactus species. The fruit is native to Mexico, Central America and South America, but is now also cultivated in Asian countries such as Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia. The fruit can also be found in Okinawa, Israel, Australia northern and southern China. This fruit only blooms at night.

In 1870 this plant was brought French people of Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. By Vietnamese and Chinese fruit are considered a blessing. Therefore, the fruit is always placed between two tail green dragon statues on the altar table. The red color of the fruit looks striking between the colors green dragons. The fruit of this habit among the Vietnamese were deeply influenced Chinese culture known as thang Loy (dragon fruit). The term Thang Loy then translated in Europe and other countries who speak English as dragon fruit (dragon fruit).

Dragon fruit plants consist of roots, stems, thorns, flowers, and fruit. The roots of dragon fruit just hairy roots growing in the soil at the top chord as hanging roots. The roots grow along the stem to the spine of the fin in the corner of the trunk. At the thorn, will grow flowers shaped like flowers Wijayakusuma. Flowers that do not fall develop into fruit. Dragon fruit is rounded oval shape about the size of an avocado. Bright red fruit leather for the kind of white and red dragon fruit, dark red to black dragon fruit, and yellow for the yellow dragon fruit. All over his skin filled with tassels are analogous with dragon scales. Therefore, this fruit called dragon fruit.

The stem is triangular in shape, prickly very short and inconspicuous, so it is often considered a "spineless cactus". The flowers bloom in the early evening when the flower buds are already measuring about 30 cm. Outer petals beige, blossom around nine o'clock at night, then followed crown pure white inside, includes a number of yellow stamens. Flowers like the funnel was finally fully open at midnight, because the dragon fruit is known as night blooming cereus. When in full bloom, dragon fruit spreads fragrance. This scent to lure the bats, in order to pollinate the flowers of dragon fruit.

In general, dragon fruit cultivated by cuttings or seed seeding. Plants will thrive if planted porous media (not muddy), nutrient rich, sandy, enough sunlight and the temperature between 38-40 ° C. If the treatment is good enough, the plant will begin to bear fruit at the age of 11-17 months. Dragon fruit is very adaptive cultivated in various daearah with altitude 0-1200 m asl. The most important thing is to get enough sunlight is a condition of a red dragon fruit growth.

Dragon fruit can grow to soil conditions and altitude of any location, but the plant is quite greedy for nutrients, so if the soil contains a great fertilizer, then the growth will be good. Within 1 year, dragon fruit tree can reach a height of 3 meters. According to some sources, the dragon fruit is not widely cultivated in Indonesia. In the meantime, the area Mojokerto, Jember, Malang, Pasuruan, Banyuwangi, Ponorogo, Kalibawang, Kulon Progo, Batam and Bandung is an area that has been cultivating this plant.

The dragon fruit flesh should be split up to look when it will be consumed. The texture of the fruit is often equated with kiwi fruit because its seeds are black and crispy. The flesh tasted a bit sweet when eaten and have a low calorie content. Dragon fruit seeds have a peppery taste and rich in lipids and eaten along with the flesh, but the seeds must be chewed as it is difficult to digest by the body. Besides eaten directly, dragon fruit can also be processed into various forms of foods and beverages such as soup, salad, chips, jelly, fruit juice, porridge pearls, and so on.

Red dragon fruit as a fruit that has many benefits to help cope and help cure various diseases. Starting from the trunk of dragon fruit, dragon fruit flesh, until the skin dragon fruit also has lots of vitamins and substances that are very useful. Doctors also highly recommend the red dragon fruit, as fruit consumption that can be used for therapy in the treatment of a disease.

Here are some of the benefits of dragon fruit:
  1. Red dragon fruit to help cure cancer, vitamin complexes, has been recommended by doctors as a fruit of cancer treatment therapies.
  2. Beautify the appearance, with its vitamin C content is high, the red dragon fruit helps maintain healthy skin, even the fruit and the skin can also be used as a scrub.
  3. Because the sweetness of red dragon fruit is not derived from glucose, the red dragon fruit can also help cure diabetes.
  4. Maintaining the health and stamina, with the content of antioxidants and vitamins.
  5. Preventing osteoporosis or bone calcification, as the red dragon fruit contains a lot of organic calcium.
  6. 6. contains vitamin B3 which serves to lower cholesterol levels and to cure cough and asthma to be able to cope with high blood pressure.
  7. Caring for the health of the eye, because the beta-carotene contained in dragon fruit is useful for maintaining eye health.
  8. Maintaining heart health, because the content of vitamin C, B1, B2, and B3 contained in the dragon fruit can maintain heart health.
Pests found in dragon fruit mealy bugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) jackbeardsleyi Pseudococcus species, Ferrisia virgata, and Planococcus sp, aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) .. Species Aphis gossypii, Branchycaudus helichrysi, and Toxoptera odinae, ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) sp Oecophylla species, Camponotus sp, Euprenolepis sp and sp Polycharis, grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) species Valanga sp, Oxya sp and sp Atractomorpha, mites (Acarina: Tetranycidae); Snail (Acathina fulica), and birds. Chickens are not considered pests, but they can cause severe damage to the fruit if they are allowed to be present in the garden. Diseases found in dragon fruit is red algae rust (Cephaleuros sp.), Wine place orange (Fusarium sp.), White wine (Botryosphaeria sp. And Phomopsis sp.), Stem Blight (Helminthosporium sp.) And anthracnose (Colletotrichum sp. ), Dothiorella spot, brown stem rot, yellow stem, fruit rot (Colletotrichum sp. and Helminthosporium sp.) citrus fruit spot (Alternaria sp.). A black spot disease on the stems have not been identified. Pests and diseases have not been controlled in a particular system, perhaps because their occurrence does not result in significant losses.

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