Mango or mango is the name of a fruit, as well as the name of the tree. Mangoes belong to the genus Mangifera, consisting of 35-40 members, and Anacardiaceae quarter. Scientific name is Mangifera indica.
Mango trees, including higher plants the stem structure (habitus), Including groups arboreus , Ie woody plants that have a high bar for more than 5 m. Mangoes can reach 10-40 m. high
The name of this fruit comes from the Malayalam maanga . The word is paired in the Indonesian language to be mango, and on the other hand, this word was brought to Europe by the Portuguese and absorbed into manga (Portuguese) mango (English) and others. Own scientific name roughly means: "(trees) that mango fruit, originated from India".
Derived from the Indian border with Burma, the mango has spread to Southeast Asia since at least 1500 years ago. The fruit is also known in various regional languages, such as pelem or Poh (Jw.).
One having a large mango tree, can reach 40 m high or more, although many mangoes pet only about 10 m or less. Mango stems erect, branching rather strong, with dense foliage forming a beautiful header domed, oval or elongated, with diameters up to 10 m. Bark thick and rough with many small gaps and the scales ex-stalk. Color pepagan (bark) of old usually grayish brown, dark gray to almost black.
Mango roots that branch out riding, so long until he could reach 6 m. The root of the branch down the less, most of the root branches at a depth of approximately 30-60 cm.
Single leaf, with the location of the scattered, without leaf leverage. Petiole length varies from 1.25 to 12.5 cm, the base enlarged and on the upper side there is the plot. Rules of the location of leaves on stems are usually 3 / 8, but has come closer to the end, situated adjacent so that seems like more and more in the loop ( rosette .)
Leaves vary, but most of the ellipse to the lancet-shaped, 2-10 × 8-40 cm, a little tough as leather, dark green sheen, a cause melancip with wavy leaf margin and tip meluncip, with 12-30 secondary stem. Some variation of mango leaves:
- Oval and the edges like a spear point.
- Egg-shaped, pointed tip like the eyes of a spear.
- Quadrilateral, but a pointed tip.
- Rectangular-shaped, rounded edges.
Young leaves are usually colored red, purple or yellow, which later will turn on the upper surface of a shiny green, while the lower surface is light green. Age leaves can reach a year or more.
Married a ( monoecious ), Mango flower is a compound interest is rooted in a much branched panicle at the end of twigs. The flowers are usually hairy, but in part there is also a bald, yellow-green, to 40 cm in length. Compound interest is composed of main axis which has a lot of the main branch. Each main branch has many branches, namely the second branch. It is possible that this second flower branch had a group that consists of 3 flower or branch has three. Every Kelo Mpok three flower consists of three flowers and each short-stemmed florets with tiny leaves. The number of flowers on each compound interest can reach 1000-6000.
The flowers in a bouquet of mixed pairs, there are male and some are hermaphrodite (androgynous). The amount of interest approximately 6-8 mm. More male flowers than hermaphrodite flowers, and the number of hermaphrodite flowers is what determines the formation of fruit. The percentage of hermaphrodite flowers varies, depending on the varieties, ie between 1.25% -77.9%, while having normal ovaries approximately 5-10%.
Harvest is done by age + 97 days after anthesis, fruit powder, and the hours of 9:00 to 16:00 pm and by leaving the fruit stalk of about 0.5 to 1 cm.
The flowers in a bouquet of mixed pairs, there are male and some are hermaphrodite (androgynous). The amount of interest approximately 6-8 mm. More male flowers than hermaphrodite flowers, and the number of hermaphrodite flowers is what determines the formation of fruit. The percentage of hermaphrodite flowers varies, depending on the varieties, ie between 1.25% -77.9%, while having normal ovaries approximately 5-10%.
Mangoes are usually short-stemmed flowers, rarely a long-stemmed, and fragrant. Bertaju petals usually 5, as well as the crown of flowers consisting of 5 flower leaves, but sometimes there are 4 to 8. The color is pale yellow, while in the middle of the line there arises a total of 3 to 5 colors slightly older. The edge of a white corolla. At the time, will wither, the color of interest, being a red crown.
Stamens of 5 pieces, but the rich only one or two while the other sterile. The fertile stamens are usually almost equal in length to the pistil, which is about 2 mm, while the shorter sterile. Stigma reddish and will change color to purple when the anther opens to give a chance to mature pollen to pollinate the stigma. Pollen shape is usually elliptical, about 20-35 microns.
His men would not handle and there in the room, and located on a disk. Bud stems from the edge of the ovary and the stigma tips are a simple form. In an interest rate three times the fruit.
Mangoes, including a group of stone fruit ( drupa ) Are fleshy, with sizes and shapes which are very changeable depending on kinds, ranging from spherical (eg mango gedong), ovate (dioscorea, indramayu, arumanis) to elongated oval (mango doll). Long pieces of approximately 2.5 to 30 cm. At the end of the fruit, there is a section called the pointed beak. In the upper part and curved beak is called a sinus, which continued into the stomach.
Thick fruit skin glands freckled, green, yellow or red when ripe. Flesh orange when ripe red, yellow or cream-colored, fibrous or not, sweet to sour with a lot of water and smelled strongly to weak. Seeds are white, flat elongated closed endocarp thick, and fibrous mengayu. This seed consists of two pieces, there are monoembrional and some poliembrional.
The results and use
Mangoes are grown primarily for their fruit. The mature fruit is generally eaten fresh, as tables or a mixture of ice, in the form of chopped or blended. Young fruit often dirujak, or sold on the street after the peel, split and fitted with hot pepper seasoning salt. Mangoes are also treated as a dessert, slices of dried fruit, and other dikalengkan. In many parts of Indonesia, mango (older or younger) is often used as a mixture of sour sauce or cooking ika n and meat.
Mango seeds can be used as animal feed or poultry; in India and even used as food during famine. Young leaves eaten or used as a vegetable. Mango wood is strong enough, loud and easy to work, but less durable for outdoor use. Wood can also be used as a good charcoal.
Mango leaves contain organic compounds tarakserol-3 beta and ethyl acetate extracts bersinergis with insulin activates GLUT4, and stimulates the synthesis of glycogen, so it can reduce symptoms of hyperglycemia.
Mango mainly produced by the countries India, China, Mexico, Thailand, Pakistan, Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines, and Bangladesh. Total world production in '80an some 15 million tons, but only about 90,000 tons (1985) which are traded on the world stage. That is, most of the mango is consumed locally.
Mangoes have cultural values are high, especially in the various countries in southern Asia. In the Philippines, this fruit is a national symbol. In the Hindu Vedic scriptures, the mango is considered as "food of the gods". Mango leaves were often used in decorating ritual or religious Hindu marriage ceremony.
Land preparation
Planting hole was made 1-2 months before planting, size 1 mx 1m x 1 m and spacing of 6 mx 8 m. Two weeks before the planting, the soil excavation is inserted back into the planting hole with manure mixed with a ratio of 1: 1. It would be optimal flush SUPERNASA (0.5 tablespoons / + 5 lt of water / tree).
Planting at the beginning of the rainy season. Before seeds are planted plastic bags removed. The depth of planting + 15-20 cm above the neck of roots and soil around the plant is pressed to the plant so as not to collapse. Plants given the auspices of the oblique position to the west and then reduced gradually.
- Manure (PK) is given 1 time at the beginning of the rainy season. The way around submerged plant canopy width of tree or dig a hole on the side of the plant. Mango aged 1-5 years were given 30 kg of CP, aged 6-15 years were given 60 kg PK. It would be optimal if added ~ ~ SUPERNASA or if manure is difficult to use SUPERNASA with dose:
- Alternative 1: 0.5 tablespoon / 5 lt of water per plant.
- Alternative 2: 1 bottle SUPER NASA dilute in 2 liters (2000 ml) of water make the mother liquor. Then for every 1 liter of water was given 20 ml of mother liquor was to flush per tree.
- Giving SUPERNASA can then be given every 3-4 months.
- NASA POC Spraying (4-5 ttp / tank) or a more optimal NASA POC (3-4 ttp) + HORMONIK (1 ttp) per tank every 1-3 months.
- NPK Fertilizer 2 times a year at the beginning of the end of the rainy season.
Snip Shape (3 stages):
Phase I: the age of 1 year after planting in the rainy season by cutting the stem as high as 50-60 cm from soil surface and cut in the top field of the connection. From the branches that grow maintained 3 branches that spread direction.
Phase II: The pruning is done in all three branches that grow after the age of 2 years, do I leave a 1-2 sections / dashed. Shoots that grow on each branch maintained three buds. If more discarded. Stages will be obtained by pruning tree branches with the formula 1-3 - 9.
Phase III: 3 years, the same way as stage II, but the shoots that grow maintained all production.
Phase II: The pruning is done in all three branches that grow after the age of 2 years, do I leave a 1-2 sections / dashed. Shoots that grow on each branch maintained three buds. If more discarded. Stages will be obtained by pruning tree branches with the formula 1-3 - 9.
Phase III: 3 years, the same way as stage II, but the shoots that grow maintained all production.
Mulching (mulch)
Mulching at the end of the rainy season, using the straw / the remnants of the former prunings / crop interrupted.
Management of flower and fruit do 4 times, at the time of bud break, bud elongation, mango size (green beans) and marble size (corn). Fertilizer used:
- Monokalsium phosphate (MKP) was given before the advent of new shoots or bud break and at the time of bud break or bud elongation (dose of 2.5 g / liter).
- NASA POC given at bud break, bud elongation, (dose 4-5 cap / tank).
- NASA POC (3-4 ttp) + HORMONIK (1 ttp) per tank provided at the time of mango size and marble size.
- Tip borer, Clumetia transversa. This caterpillar menggerek young shoots (flush) and flower panicles with drilled / menggerek shoots or panicles headed downward. Tassel flower buds or leaves wither, dry and damaged as a result of nutrient transport stops and then die. Control; branch cut and then burned infected shoots, pendangiran to kill the pupa, spraying with PESTONA.
- Thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis). This pest is often called red-striped thrips because on the first abdominal segment there is a red line. This pest attacks the young leaves than flowers also with piercing and sucking the fluid from the epidermis of leaves and fruit. Place puncture can be a source of disease. The leaves look like fire, and menggelinting brown color. If interest diketok-word of the hands and placed underneath the base with a white paper will look a lot thrips that fell. Control: young shoots tersera
- Silkworm Phylotroctis sp. Slightly brown color (different from the Clumetia sp. That it's green) often menggerek flower panicle base of candidates. Eggs Phyloctroctis sp. hatched and young adults to attack the fruit stalk (nipple). Young fruit fall because absisi layer on the fruit stalk blackish pus. Active at night. Control by PESTONA.
- Seed borer, Noorda albizonalis. These pests menggerek fruit at the end or middle of the dirt and generally leave scars and often cause fruit split. Silkworm is a direct consequence menggerek fruit seeds fruit rot and fall. In contrast to the menggerek Black fruit borer at the base of the fruit. The hole can gerekan as a source of disease. Control: fruit packaging, fruit infected collect and burned, spray with PESTONA.
- Wereng mangga ( Idiocerus sp.). The attack occurred during panicle elongation flower bud stage. Nymph and adult planthopper attack simultaneously with the flowers sucking fluids, so dry, pollination and fruit formation interrupted and then die. Severe attacks occur when a hot, damp weather supported. These pests can invite growth and development of sooty mildew diseases (sooty mold) with honey dew out of the hopper which can cause phytotoxic on shoots, leaves and flowers. Control: fumigation, p
- Fruit Flies (Bractocera dorsalis). Fruit is attacked first black dots appear, at around the point to yellow, rotten fruit and larval development occurred. Agravator nature of possible secondary pests (Drosophilla sp.), Fungi and bacteria. Control: fruit packaging, fruit fly trapping.
- Antraknose disease (Colletotrichum sp.).Black spots occur on flush, leaf, panicle and fruit. The attacks escalated if too moist, lots of clouds, rain during flowering time and night time a lot of dew arise. When the flowers fell ill then the whole crop will fail because the flowers into fall. Control: pruning, planting should not be too tight, the infected plants were collected and burned.
- Recife disease, Diplodia recifensis.This disease is also called Blendok, this is a beetle vector Xyleborus affinis. These beetles make tunnels in the stems / branches and the fungus Diplodia then enter the tunnel. Outside the beetles will bore out blendok (rubber). Mango diseases such as black mildew (fungus Meliola mangiferae), sore / scab (Elsinoe mangiferae), red rust spots (algae Cephaleuros sp.)
Harvest is done by age + 97 days after anthesis, fruit powder, and the hours of 9:00 to 16:00 pm and by leaving the fruit stalk of about 0.5 to 1 cm.