Beauty for all

Cut Chicken | White Chicken | Livestock Raising Chickens

The following are the miscellaneous broiler farming begins with a brief history of broiler, broiler farming center, the kinds of broiler, br...

Benefits of Fruit Wine | Grape Cultivation

Wine is a fruit crop of creeping shrubs belonging to the family Vitaceae. The fruit is usually used to make grape juice, jelly, wine, grape ...

Kite Flying Tour

Paragliding sport is held in Puncak Lawang is located at an altitude of 1210 m above sea level. This place is one of the flying tourist attr...

Boiling Coffee | Boiling coffee pleasure | Benefits of boiling coffee

The fans already familiar coffee taste of coffee, there are several kinds of modern coffee. Like staying open directly into the hot water im...

Bali Starling Bird

Starling Bird is the name of a group of tribes Sturnidae babbler bird. Birds are generally medium sized (about 20-25 cm), stout, with a stro...

Raising Goats Nuts

Goat nut goat is a superior race which was first developed in Indonesia. Her body was small. High gumba in the male 60 centimeters to 65 cen...

Mandala Airlines | Flight Ticket Online Indonesia

Mandala Mandala Airlines is the airline of Indonesia. Mandala is a 40-year-old national carrier which has been purchased by Indigo Partne...

University Indonesia

University Indonesia Indonesia is a modern university campus, comprehensive, open, multi-cultural, and humanist who covers broad discipli...

Palm Oil | Palm Plants | Oil Palm Cultivation

Oil palm (Elaeis) is an important industrial plants producing cooking oil, industrial oil, and fuel (biodiesel). Plantations generate huge p...


Shoes are a type of footwear (footwear), which usually comprises the parts soles, rights, hood, strap, and tongue. Grouping of shoes is usua...

Cinta Laura Kiehl | Love Laura | Profile Cinta Laura Kiehl

Cinta Laura Kiehl or also commonly known as Cinta Laura (born in Quakenbrück, Germany, August 17, 1993, age 17 years) is an Indonesian actr...

Chicken Cemani | Black Chicken | Cemani Raising Chickens

Cemani chicken is a local race of chickens that developed in the region Kedu, precisely in the Village Kedu, District Kedu, Waterford, and t...

Duck Farming | Livestock Raising Laying Ducks

Also known as duck Ducks. Ancestors Came from North America is a wild duck (Anas mocha) or wild mallard. Continuous dijinakan by Humans to b...


Batang Kuantan River Basin is one of the tracks to extreme sports rafting in Sijunjung District, West Sumatra Province. This river has rapid...

Watches | Understanding and definition of Watches

A Watch is small timepiece, typical worn either on the wrist or attached on a chain and carried in a pocket, with wristwatches being the mos...

Understanding Bag

A bag is a kind of container. It can hold other things. A bag is used for carrying things around. It may be made from cloth, leather, plasti...